Chapter 4: Designing Lessons and Developing Curriculum with Technology and Chapter 9: Expressing Creativity with Multimedia Technologies
One tool that really caught my eye in Chapter 9 is the Glogster. The reason it caught my eye is the fact that it reminds me of a scrapbook page. I like how you can incorporate your entire presentation into a poster type page. There are some really neat features on this site.
- various backgrounds
- text boxes of various sizes, you can also scroll so that you do not have to enlarge your box to fit the entire text
- video boxes: you can add videos from your computer or internet
- image boxes: again you can add images from your computer or the internet
- you can also link audio
With the wide use of smart phones and digital video cameras most everyone has taken some type of video, such as, a dog playing, or our child performing, a special event and so on. The technology we have now at our fingertips make video taping relatively easy. Also, due to the fact that the video is no longer recorder onto film it is easy to edit and delete as often as we want. This also gives a great learning tool to be used in the classroom. What a great way to engage your students, by requiring them to work collaboratively on a video presentation. Digital storytelling is a great tool for social studies/history and language arts. This is a real opportunity for the students to be creative. The College of Education at the University of Houston maintains a digital storytelling site that gives examples of tools, evaluation criteria and links for more creative resources.
According to our text, Transforming Learning with New Technologies, many times teachers spend hours preparing and prepping lesson plans, and choosing engaging activities. Often there is not much thought or preparation for assessing and evaluation during and after the lesson. There are 3 factors that influence how teachers think about assessment:
- Personal experiences. Teachers tend to teach the way they were taught, and assess as they were assessed.
- Standardized testing. With so many "Must take" standardized tests some teachers tend to believe that this is the only assessment they must keep.
- Teacher tests. Due to the testing teaches themselves must pass in order to teach professionally, some teachers may tend to believe that standardized testing is the one and only true valid assessment format.
I really like the idea of using a glogster in my classroom. I really think this will engage the students and they will even be eager to learn to create one on their own. As for the digit storytelling, we all video tape things almost daily, so this would not be too challenging to do for an assignment. I believe the hardest thing would be to limit the length of your story and to have it relevant to assigned content expectations. Finally, my last topic is assessments and testing. As I stated earlier, I know testing is important. We all must be evaluated in some form from time to time. As a teacher I would like to use different types of assessments in my classroom. During a lesson I would add an oral piece of assessing where my students are. Treat it as a question & answer session, but I would be asking them the questions. Then I would use essay writing, presentations and or projects in order to assess where my students are, rather than always using the traditional multiple choice or fill in the blank type of test. These different avenues would give my students different ways to excel. Plus it would show me a thorough assessment of their understanding of the subject matter.
Davis,L. (2015, June 7th) Testing. Created using
Maloy,R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf,B.(2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA:Pearson Education Inc.
TeachersFirst. GlogsterEDU- classroom resources.
Youtube video. Glogster in 90 seconds. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Glogster is a great tool - I hope you do pursue using it. The free version is limited and the educational version costs money but many districts do fund it. I like that it is very multi-media oriented and allows for creativity. It also is a great way to tell stories in a digital format. And digital storytelling is one of the more engaging ways to determine if students have learned the appropriate objectives - an effective way to counter the very standardized nature of tests, so a balance may be created to the single test as a "the key" to measuring learning.